Enero - ¿...y si a los que esperan no les llega nunca lo bueno?
Febrero - ¿...y si no se puede confiar ni en las cosas más simples ?
Junio - ¿...y cuando me las arreglo para romper lo irrompible?
Worst Case Scenario
Wall calendar
(2008 - )
Variation Time
Curator Gregor Passens
Galerie der Künstler, Munich, Germany
This wall calendar is actually a shortcut. Instead of allowing the slow process of becoming famous, dying and waiting for some museum to decide to use images of my works to illustrate some product that functions as an institutional souvenir to run its natural course, I've cut straight to the merchandising. The place where art most naturally occurs in the home is on the pages of a calendar hanging in the kitchen, and so it is a perfect vehicle. There are twelve images (thirteen, counting the centerfold) and having one month to look at one photo and read one phrase seems to me to be a more than fair allotment of tiime.
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